Friday, April 29, 2011

Fri. 4/29, Overhead Press

The last wave of this cycle got off to a pretty good start tonight.  I'm definitely making progress on the OHP, based on comparisons to the last cycle.  Plus, I'm making small but steady progress on the floor presses.  I think if I were to do them first in a workout, I'd probably move a bit more weight on them.  But progress is progress, so I'm happy.

Tonight's stats:

Bodyweight at gym: 201 3/4 lbs.
Working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Fierce by SAN

1. OHP
bar/8; 90/5; 110/5; (75%) 130/5; (85%) 150/3
add belt: (95%) 165/6 - improved from 160 x 5 last cycle
(100%) 175/1, 1+1+1 - The last 3 singles were done in a "cluster" with just 10-20 seconds rest between them.

Alternated sets of the next 2 lifts

2a. Chinups - underhand, shoulder width grip
pulldowns to warm up: 100/10
BW/5; 50/3; 100/3 - need to check, but this may be a PR
75/5; 50/8; 25/10
BW/14 - The 1st 11 were done L-sit style, then 3 normal ones

2b. Floor press
135/10; 225/5
245/5 x 4 sets

3. Pulldowns - wide grip
rest-pause-drop set: 150/3 + 200/5 + 170/5 + 140/6 + 100/12

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Catching Up: Waves 1 & 2 of Cycle 2

With so much going on at home, especially my wife's approaching college graduation, I haven't had as much time to post as I'd like.  For the quickest recap of what happened in the 1st & 2nd wave of my reloaded version of 5/3/1, take a few moments to watch my latest training video:

Here's a quick write-up.  I'll leave out most of the assistance work for the sake of time.  I've also started to mention which pre-workout supplement I'm using before each session.  I still have about 80 servings or so to through from The Arnold.  Post-workout beverage of choice is EAS Finish (290 calories, 35g protein) added to 24 oz. 2% milk.  I got 80 servings for free in Ohio.

Mon. 4/11, Core lift: Overhead press

Didn't weigh myself
New working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: CytoMax by CytoSport

1. OHP
bar/10; 75/5; 95/5; (65%) 115/5; (75%) 130/5
(85%) 150/8.5 - I was so close to matching the 9 reps with 145 (85%) from last cycle!
150/5, 6

Tue. 4/12, Core lift: Squat

New working max = 435 lbs
Bodyweight at gym = 199 lbs.
Pre-Workout supplement: Black Powder by MRI

1. Squat
bar/10; 135/5; 225/5; (65%) 280/5; (75%) 325/5
add belt: (85%) 370/10 - 10 rep PR!
(85%) 370/5, 6

Thu. 4/14, Core lift: Bench press

Bodyweight: 203(?!)
New working max = 265 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Muscle Marinade by Purus Labs

1. Bench press
bar/10; 95/5; 135/5; (65%) 175/5; (75%) 200/5
(85%) 225/8.5 - I thought I could grind out a 9th rep. I was wrong.
225/5, 6, 6, 5

Somehow, I ended up using the same weight for the 85% session as I did last cycle. Just as well, since this was a 2-rep improvement over last cycle on the AMRAP set. I still have a lot of work to do on this lift though.

Mon. 4/18, Core lift: Deficit Deadlifts, 5's

Bodyweight: 200.5 lbs
New working max = 515 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: NO X-Plode XT by BSN

1. Deficit deadlifts - using 35 lb plates & wearing shoes instead of slippers
185/5; 265/5; (65%) 335/5; (75%) 385/5
add belt & Versa-Gripps: (85%) 435/9
remove Versa-Gripps: (85%) 435/1, 1, 5 

Wed. 4/20, Core lift: Overhead press, 3's

Didn't weigh myself
Working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Quake 10.0 by Scivation

1. OHP
bar/10, 5; 95/5; (70%) 120/3; (80%) 140/3
add belt: (90%) 155/8 (2 rep improvement)
(95%) 165/1+1+1, 1+1+1 - basically 2 clusters of 3 singles each. The + equals 20 seconds rest. Took a normal rest between the first and second cluster.

Thu. 4/21, Core lift: Squat, 3's

Bodyweight: 200 lbs
Working max = 435 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Assault by MusclePharm

1. Squat
135/5; 225/5; (70%) 305/3; (80%) 350/3; (90%) 390/3 - probably a beltless PR triple
add belt: (95%) 415/1, 2, 1
315/10, 10

Mon. 4/25, Core lift: Bench press, 3's

Didn't weigh myself
Working max = 265 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Assault by MusclePharm

1. Bench press

95/5; 135/5; (70%) 185/3; (80%) 215/3 
(90%) 240/6
(95%) 250/1, 4, 1

2. Seated cable row - stack maxes out at 200

wide/neutral grip: 100/10; 140/10; 170/8
v-grip: 170/11, 10
wide/neutral, rest-pause-drop set: 200/5 + 160/8 + 120/15 + 12

3. Dips
45/8; 100/11, 6 - the 11 set was a +2 rep PR!
rest-pause-drop set: 100/5 + 75/5 + 50/5 + 25/5 + BW/8 + 2 (wanted 10 reps on the last segment)

Tue. 4/26, Core lift: Deficit deadlifts, 3's

Bodyweight = 201.5 lbs  in shoes and underwear.  I don't usually wear shoes on the scale, but it was wet.
Working max = 515 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: K-Otic by All American EFX

1. Deficit DL - 35 lb plates instead of 45's.  Shoes instead of slippers.
150/6; 220/5; 290/3; (70%) 360/3; (80%) 415/3
add belt & Versa-Gripps: (90%) 465/6
remove Versa-Gripps: (95%) 490/1 x 4 sets

2. Leg Press - wearing Inzer knee sleeves
360/8; 540/6; 675/6; 855/14, 11

Thanks for catching up with me.  Back to the grind on Friday 4/29.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My wife is a powerlifter too

A variety of things have gotten in the way of my posting lately, so here's the quick recap of what I've been doing:

* I started my 2nd cycle of a 5/3/1 remix.  After the 5's sessions, PR's include a 370 lbs x 10 rep squat and 435 lbs x 9 deficit deadlift.  So far so good.  I've also introduced floor presses and love them for building tricep strength.  They feel great!

* I've been weighing 199-200 lbs at the gym.  I guess I'm around 196-197 in the morning.  My waist is holding at 33" at wake-up.

On Saturday, April 16, I had the privilege of coaching my favorite client, my wife, through her first powerlifting meet.  After only 20 weeks of training, she did as well as anyone could hope.  She went 9/9, making lifts of 82.5 kg squat, 52.5 kg bench and 102.5 kg deadlift.  All 3 of her squats, and her total were new Maryland State records for her division.  Please take a few moments to check out her progress.  Thanks for watching!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4/5 Squats & Supplements from The Arnold

Call for help! I'd like some input on this one.  It has been a month since the Arnold Sports Festival, and I'm looking at bags full of supplements that I haven't even touched yet.  Before I get into all of that, let me give the recap of yesterday's squat session.

5/3/1 rep day
Bodyweight at gym: 199
Working max = 425

 1. Squat
bar/8; 135/5; 225/5; (75%) 315/5; (85%) 360/3
(95%) 405/2 - beltless 2-rep PR!
add belt: (100%) 425/2, 1
315/11 - My ability to breathe through high rep sets isn't what it used to be.  I had the strength for a few more reps, but not the air.

I got to the gym late, so that was it.

As for the supplements, most of it was free, and some of it was purchased.  I'm not going to catalog all of the brands here, because honestly, it would just take too long.  I'd get bored typing it, and you'd get bored reading it.  Here is a summary of what I came home with:

41 servings - whey protein (17-30 g each).  This doesn't count the free 2 lb tub I got at the Vitamin Shoppe booth.
17 servings - casein or protein blends
106+ servings - pre-workout powder
  - This only counts the sample packs.  I got an additional 45 servings for $5 from Advanced Muscle Science and 42 servings of EAS Push (no caffeine) for free.
18 servings - post-workout powders (creatine/glutamine/amino blends like Cell-Tech)
40 servings - thermogenics/fat burners
80 servings - EAS Finish post-workout powder
60 servings - BCAA's: leucine, isoleucine, valine, glutamine (16g each)
30 servings - a bottle of "Hyper Trop-X, anabolic stimulator w/Peak ATP*" by Advanced Muscle Science.
  - Pills with beta alanine, leucine,yohimbine HCl and "Peak ATP".  I have no idea what this is supposed to do.
90 servings - 270 tablets of arginine malate (2000 mg) and citrulline malate (500 mg)
45 servings - testosterone booster w/tribulus terrestris, zinc, magnesium, B6 and a bunch of other stuff.
72 servings - Con-cret concentrated creatine.  48 servings are pills, 24 are powder.

The main question I have for anyone who may be reading this is - how should I stack/cycle this stuff to help me get bigger and stronger, and recover from workouts and my job?  DISCLAIMER: I realize some of this stuff may not work at all, and I'm not sold on the overall effectiveness of these products.  But considering that it was really cheap or free, I'm game to experiment.  I think I'll try drinking the BCAA's while I'm delivering mail.  Other than that, I haven't really figured out a plan yet.  I'm hoping to start some of this stuff on Monday 4/11, when my next 4-week lifting cycle begins. 

Feel free to comment here, or send me a message at  I appreciate any input you may have.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wave 2 Video & 5 Days of Training

Before the recap of Friday and Saturday's training, here's the training video from wave 2 of 5/3/1.  I'm deviating more from the original plan, using singles along with the "as many reps as possible (AMRAP)" sets, plus multiple sets at the heaviest weight.  I'll explain this in greater detail in another post.  Thanks for watching!

Fri. 4/1, Core lift: Overhead Press, 5/3/1

Working max = 170 lbs
Bodyweight at gym: 200 lbs

1. Overhead press
bar/12; 85/5; 115/5; (75%) 130/5; (85%) 145/3
(95%) 160/5
(100%) 170/1, 1, 3

2. Pullups - overhand, medium grip (few inches outside shoulder width)
+50/6, 6, 8, 6

3. 1-arm DB flat bench
50/10 each
80/10 each - pronated
80/8 each - neutral
80/10 each - rotated pronated to neutral

Time: 1 hr 12 min

Sat. 4/2, Assistance Lifts

The first 3 exercises were done as a circuit, with varying rest periods.

1a. Hammer ab machine
50/10; 100/10; 150/5

The machine functioned worse as the weight got heavier, so I switched to sit-ups on a decline bench while holding an empty bar overhead.

bar/15 x 2 sets

1b. Standing calf machine
250/12; 350/12; 450/10, 11

1c. Shrugs - done on the calf machine
250/12; 350/12; 450/12, 20

2. Rear delts on the pec-deck
60/12, 15, 12, 16, 12

Time: 46 min

I must be full of energy these days, or I'm really bored.  As of yesterday, I completed 5 days of training in a week.  It has been a nice change of pace.  I don't feel battered, I'm not bruised (except for a little on top of my shoulders), and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's squats.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.