Wednesday, June 15, 2011

End of cycle 3, Start of Cycle 4

10 weeks out from Raw Nationals, and the left shoulder I mentioned in my last entry isn't getting much better.  In fact, it's much worse after doing my first overhead presses in 2 weeks.  Before I get too far ahead of myself, here's what I've been up to...

Tue. 6/7, Core lift: Bench press, 5/3/1 day

Must not have weighed myself, because I don't have a weight listed
Working max = 270 lbs

1. Bench press
bar/10; 95/5; 135/5; 175/5; (75%) 205/5; (85%) 230/3
(95%) 255/1
(100%) 270/1.5, 2

I hit the rack on the 2nd rep of set 1 at 270, and that was directly responsible for the missed rep.

2. Seated cable row - used v-handle
80/15; 100/10; 120/10; 140/10; 150/10

At this point, my left shoulder felt ok and had not become any worse.

Fri. 6/10, Core lift: Sumo deadlift, 5/3/1 day

Bodyweight = 196 lbs, down mostly due to working in the heat for the past few days (90+ degrees)
Working max = 525 lbs

1. Deadlift - back to slippers and 45 lb plates
stiff legs: 135/8 + sumo: 135/8
sumo: 225/5; 315/5; (75%) 395/5; (85%) 445/3
(95%) 495/1 - beltless PR! - will probably not do a beltless deadlift heavier than this anytime soon
(100%) 525/1

Mon. 6/13, Core lift: Overhead press, 5's

Bodyweight = 197.5 lbs
Working max = 185 lbs

Did alternating sets of presses and pulldowns or chins.

1a. Overhead press
bar/10, 80/5, 100/5, (65%) 120/5, (75%) 140/5
(85%) 155/5 x 3 sets - Did not attempt a max-reps set in an effort to conserve my shoulder.

1b. Pulldowns/Chinups - different grips/variations
pulldowns: 50/15, 90/10, 110/10
L-sit chinups: BW/10
underhand "curl-ups": BW/10, 10 - These are underhand chinups where I curl my knees to my chest as I pull my chin onver the bar.
medium/overhand pullups: BW/8, 7
medium/neutral: BW/8 - tanked out on a 9th

2. DB Bench Press
65's/10, 10, 8

3. Tricep press machine
rest-pause: 110/12 + 8

My shoulder felt fine during and right after this session.  By the time I went to bed, I could barely raise my left arm.  It was the same this morning.  My wife massaged it and really pressed into it, which hurt like hell.  It must have worked though, because I immediately had a lot more ROM.  Maybe watching Karate Kid all those times helped, because this was the closest thing I've had to a Mr. Miyagi experience.  Hopefully, I'll be able to hold a bar on my back for squats tomorrow.  Video recap coming soon.  Thanks for catching up with me!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Working through shoulder injury

Before an update, here's an overdue video recap of the first wave (4 workouts) of this current cycle. The soundtrack is a forgotten jewel of a throwback for the true hip-hop/rap fiends. Even if that doesn't describe you, it's still pretty cool. Thanks in advance for watching!

Somehow, probably about 2 weeks ago while doing overhead presses or weighted pullups, I suffered some minor injury to my left shoulder. According to the doctor I saw yesterday, it's probably some ligament strain. So I've been dodging any pushing or pulling except for last week's benches. I ended up hitting (90%) 245 for 6 and (95%) 255 for 3. Not bad numbers for me, especially considering a bum shoulder.

So that leads me up to today's squat workout.

Mon. 6/6, Core lift: Squat, 5/3/1 day

Bodyweight at gym= 200 1/4 lbs
Working max = 445 lbs

1. Squat
bar/10; 155/5; 245/5; (75%) 335/5; (85%) 380/3
add belt: (95%) 425/1
(100%) 445/1, 2, 1, 1, 1

2a. Bootleg GHR - done on back extension
BW/15, 15

2b. Ab wheel
BW/20, 20

Nothing fancy, not a lot of volume, but I'm pleased with how it went. I'm hoping the rest, anti-inflammatories, tiger balm, ice, etc. will have me ready to bench sometime within the next 3 days. Even if I'm not ready for presses, squats and deads are doing fine, so I'm not panicking right now.

Looking ahead, it looks like I have a good chance to get back in school this summer. I plan to go back in the fall either way, so time is about to come at even more of a premium. Training has kept me (mostly) sane the last few years, so I don't intend to be unfaithful now. But workouts may have to be adjusted in a month or so. I'll be peaking for a meet anyway, so that may be a blessing in disguise. Core lifts and little else should help to keep me focused. Thanks for catching up with me.