It seems that I've been sidetracked more than I realized lately. Since I last updated, I did 3 more sessions and was really due for a deload by the time it was over. Here's the video recapping the highlights of the last wave of cycle 2. For some reason, I can't embed it yet. Please click the link to see it. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy it.
Deload work was easy. 1 upper body session and 1 lower body session was all I needed or wanted. More mailman GPP than I would have liked, but hey, we have to eat! :)
By yesterday, I was itching to get back to the weights. Here's how it went:
Mon. 5/16/11
Core lift: Overhead press, Cycle 3, Wave 1
Bodyweight = 198.5 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: 1 serving EndoRush (BSN) + 2 capsules Con-Cret
1. Overhead Press, working max = 180 lbs
55/10; 75/5; 95/5; (65%) 115/5; (75%) 135/5
(85%) 150/8.5
At this point, I was a bit frustrated. My heaviest weight for this session was a repeat of cycle 2, wave 1. Last time, the bar stalled over my head on what would have been rep 9. Fast forward 5 weeks, and the same thing happened. Disgusted, I went to the bathroom and locker room. By the time I got back, I'd decided to make a second attempt at beating the 8 reps I did last cycle.
(85%) 150/9! - This is the first time I've ever missed a rep goal on 5/3/1, then come back to get it in the same session. Sweet!
(85%) 150/5; (75%) 135/10
2a. Pullups - after the 4th set, I started alternating sets with 2b.
wide, overhand: BW/8; 55/7, 6
medium, overhand: 55/6, 7
medium, neutral: 55/6, 7
narrow, underhand: 55/5, 5
2b. Floor press
185/8; 225/5
245/6, 4
225/5, 4
3. Rear delts - on pec-deck
Drop-rest-pause set: 150/10 + 110/6 + 4
Next session (squat) is planned for Wed. 5/18.
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