The last wave of this cycle got off to a pretty good start tonight. I'm definitely making progress on the OHP, based on comparisons to the last cycle. Plus, I'm making small but steady progress on the floor presses. I think if I were to do them first in a workout, I'd probably move a bit more weight on them. But progress is progress, so I'm happy.
Tonight's stats:
Bodyweight at gym: 201 3/4 lbs.
Working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Fierce by SAN
1. OHP
bar/8; 90/5; 110/5; (75%) 130/5; (85%) 150/3
add belt: (95%) 165/6 - improved from 160 x 5 last cycle
(100%) 175/1, 1+1+1 - The last 3 singles were done in a "cluster" with just 10-20 seconds rest between them.
Alternated sets of the next 2 lifts
2a. Chinups - underhand, shoulder width grip
pulldowns to warm up: 100/10
BW/5; 50/3; 100/3 - need to check, but this may be a PR
75/5; 50/8; 25/10
BW/14 - The 1st 11 were done L-sit style, then 3 normal ones
2b. Floor press
135/10; 225/5
245/5 x 4 sets
3. Pulldowns - wide grip
rest-pause-drop set: 150/3 + 200/5 + 170/5 + 140/6 + 100/12
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