Monday, June 6, 2011

Working through shoulder injury

Before an update, here's an overdue video recap of the first wave (4 workouts) of this current cycle. The soundtrack is a forgotten jewel of a throwback for the true hip-hop/rap fiends. Even if that doesn't describe you, it's still pretty cool. Thanks in advance for watching!

Somehow, probably about 2 weeks ago while doing overhead presses or weighted pullups, I suffered some minor injury to my left shoulder. According to the doctor I saw yesterday, it's probably some ligament strain. So I've been dodging any pushing or pulling except for last week's benches. I ended up hitting (90%) 245 for 6 and (95%) 255 for 3. Not bad numbers for me, especially considering a bum shoulder.

So that leads me up to today's squat workout.

Mon. 6/6, Core lift: Squat, 5/3/1 day

Bodyweight at gym= 200 1/4 lbs
Working max = 445 lbs

1. Squat
bar/10; 155/5; 245/5; (75%) 335/5; (85%) 380/3
add belt: (95%) 425/1
(100%) 445/1, 2, 1, 1, 1

2a. Bootleg GHR - done on back extension
BW/15, 15

2b. Ab wheel
BW/20, 20

Nothing fancy, not a lot of volume, but I'm pleased with how it went. I'm hoping the rest, anti-inflammatories, tiger balm, ice, etc. will have me ready to bench sometime within the next 3 days. Even if I'm not ready for presses, squats and deads are doing fine, so I'm not panicking right now.

Looking ahead, it looks like I have a good chance to get back in school this summer. I plan to go back in the fall either way, so time is about to come at even more of a premium. Training has kept me (mostly) sane the last few years, so I don't intend to be unfaithful now. But workouts may have to be adjusted in a month or so. I'll be peaking for a meet anyway, so that may be a blessing in disguise. Core lifts and little else should help to keep me focused. Thanks for catching up with me. 

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