Sunday, July 10, 2011

Starting "2-a-Weeks"

That's what I'm calling my new training split.  Football players, as well as athletes from some other sports, sometimes practice their craft twice a day, known as "two-a-days".  Well right now, a return to school, physical therapy, and limitations due to my shoulder have reduced my training frequency to twice per week for the forseeable future.  For the rest of July, I hope to keep train on Wednesdays and Sundays.  Once Ramadan starts on August 1 and I know whether or not I'll need surgery, I'll re-evaluate whether or not those days will work.

Here's what I did this week:

Wed. 7/6

1. Leg Press - plate loaded machine, wearing flat soled shoes & Inzer knee sleeves (no velcro)
180/10, 360/10, 540/10
630/10 - sets started getting tough here
540/10, 10, 10

2. Calf press - on the leg press machine
180/15, 15, 20

3. Bootleg GHR- done on back extension
BW/15, 15, 20

4. Incline Sit-Ups
BW/15, 15

Sun. 7/10

1a. Hack squat - wearing Inzer knee sleeves (no velcro)
sled/10, 90/10, 180/10 - flat soled shoes 
180/10 - switched to Oly shoes
270/10 - really hard.  I hate hack squats.

1b. Unilateral seated calf press
25/15 each
50/15 each, 11 each
alternating rest-pause: 75/10 left, 10 right, 5 left, 5 right

2a. Standing leg curl - obviously has to be one leg at a time :)
30/10 each; 50/15 each; 60/12 each

2b. Incline sit-up - Foot-end of the bench can be placed on any of 5 rails.  1 is lowest, 5 is highest.
3rd rail: 20
4th rail: 15
5th rail: 20

3. Abduction/Adduction machine
abductor: 90/20
adductor: 70/20

I can't believe how fast I've lost strength on the leg press.  To me, this confirms something I've long believed - squatting will make you stronger on machines than machines will make you stronger on machines.  I haven't done a barbell squat since June 16.  Last time I did leg press was June 1.  I did 855 for 11 reps on my heaviest set, and that was after doing deficit deadlifts as heavy as 515 lbs, not to mention delivering mail that day in 95 degree heat.  Now that I think about it, I better stop talking about this before I get depressed.

I don't go to PT again until Friday.  Until then, it's doing my prescribed rehab exercises at home, plus another gym trip on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

So what exactly is a labrum, anyway?

I've been a bit bummed since my last post.  I made it to the gym like I hoped, and hit a new 10-rep squat PR with 385 lbs!  However, my shoulder felt worse, just from stabilizing the bar in my back.  By the end of that week, I realized too much time had elapsed since the initial injury (May 16), and that things should have improved from a muscle strain. 

Before I go too far, or in case you're short on time, here's a quick recap video.  In 3 minutes and a few seconds, you can watch the one of the last set of overhead presses I did (which may have been the straw that broke the bull's back), the squat PR set, and get a quick synopsis of what's going on with me.

Now for the timeline, at least as well as I can remember it:
  •  May 16:  Date of initial injury.  Hurt it doing overhead presses with 150 lbs for 8 & 9 reps, and/or 8 sets of weighted pull-ups with 55 lbs each set.
  • May 26: Did overhead presses & weighted pullups again.  Strength on both were down, and pain was up.  Decided to back off of overhead lifts for a while, but would continue training the Big 3 (Squat, Bench, Deadlift, in case you don't know) moving towards USAPL Raw Nationals in August.
  • May 27: Squatted 400 lbs for 7 reps.  I'm pretty sure that's a raw squat PR.  But I mention it because I noted left shoulder pain in my journal on this day.  It must have been pretty bad, because all I did was squat.
  • May 30: Slapped some Tiger Balm on my shoulder and benched 245 for 6 reps and 255 for 3.  All I had time for, because it was Memorial Day and the gym was closing early.  That must have been a mercy to me so I wouldn't do any more damage.
  • June 4 (or so): Went to urgent care center for my shoulder.  Doctor said it was probably a ligament strain.  Gave me some diclofenac sodium.  I'd already started taking 800 mg ibuprofen.  3 weeks of NSAID's gave me terrible stomach pains to go along with my shoulder pain.
  • June 7: Benched 270 for 2 doubles.  I noted that I thought my shoulder was improving, but wasn't sure.  I noticed that it was harder to retract my left shoulder on the eccentric portion of the bench press.
  • June 10: Deadlifted 495 lbs without a belt (beltless PR), and easily pulled 525.  Decided to go ahead with my next full 5/3/1 cycle, adding overhead presses back in.  Only 2 more cycles before Raw Nationals!
  • June 13: After a thorough warm-up, I pressed 155 lbs for 3 sets of 5, followed by 135 x 8.  Felt very hard, but I figured it was due to laying off the lift for a while.  By the time I went to bed, I could barely raise my left arm.  My wife massaged it pretty hard, and my range of motion improved quite a bit.  By the next morning, it was messed up all over again.
  • June 15: Hit the 385 lb x 10 squat.  Face looked like :)  Went to bench, and could only get 4 reps with 235.  Face went to :(
  • June 18: Went back to urgent care and saw a different doctor, since I couldn't get an appointment with my primary care doctor until mid-July.  This doctor ordered an MRI, while making jokes about how I must be crazy "to lift that much weight".  I decided against telling her how weak I am compared to lifters I admire, and really couldn't wait to get back to lifting heavy again.  It was somewhere between the 18th and 21st that I decided I was out of this year's Raw Nationals.
  • June 21: Got MRI done.  Nice preview of what being in a coffin will be like, not that I wanted one.
  • June 24: Saw an orthopedist, who diagnosed me with a torn labrum (I learned the answer to the title question), bursitis, tendinitis (in the biceps tendon), and bruised humeral head.  He said I have 2 options: physical therapy or arthroscopic surgery.  Explained things, answered questions, and wasn't pushy either way.
  • June 28: Started physical therapy.  Plan is to go for a month, then see the orthopedist again for re-evaluation.  
So in a big nutshell, that's it.  I don't know how fast things are "supposed" to improve with PT, but if the first 8 days are any indication, I may be going under the scope before it's all over.  My shoulder hurts more, but it seems to have improved ROM.  According to my therapist, a worst-case scenario is that I really do need surgery, and the PT will have me stronger going into it and coming out of it.   Here's hoping for the best.  Another concern of mine, aside from being out of the gym, is missing work.  I haven't seen too many one-armed mail carriers before.  I'm not saying it can't be done, but I'm sure I would miss some time that I really don't want to miss. 

At least there's a silver lining in this cloud.  I start school again in 5 days.  I'm back in college to study actuarial science, which is what I planned to do coming out of high school.  Maybe this is God's way of making sure I don't have too many distractions when I go back.  If so, I trust He knows better than me.

For now, I'm training legs on machines (leg press, squat press, leg curls, bootleg GHR's, etc.), and doing sit-ups for abs.  I think I'll get a neck harness.  I've been meaning to try one, and I don't have much else to do right now.  I'll post progress with all of that, along with therapy updates, as things happen.  Thanks so much for reading all this and catching up with me.

More real-time updates to come on Twitter @BodyBldgPwrLftr

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

End of cycle 3, Start of Cycle 4

10 weeks out from Raw Nationals, and the left shoulder I mentioned in my last entry isn't getting much better.  In fact, it's much worse after doing my first overhead presses in 2 weeks.  Before I get too far ahead of myself, here's what I've been up to...

Tue. 6/7, Core lift: Bench press, 5/3/1 day

Must not have weighed myself, because I don't have a weight listed
Working max = 270 lbs

1. Bench press
bar/10; 95/5; 135/5; 175/5; (75%) 205/5; (85%) 230/3
(95%) 255/1
(100%) 270/1.5, 2

I hit the rack on the 2nd rep of set 1 at 270, and that was directly responsible for the missed rep.

2. Seated cable row - used v-handle
80/15; 100/10; 120/10; 140/10; 150/10

At this point, my left shoulder felt ok and had not become any worse.

Fri. 6/10, Core lift: Sumo deadlift, 5/3/1 day

Bodyweight = 196 lbs, down mostly due to working in the heat for the past few days (90+ degrees)
Working max = 525 lbs

1. Deadlift - back to slippers and 45 lb plates
stiff legs: 135/8 + sumo: 135/8
sumo: 225/5; 315/5; (75%) 395/5; (85%) 445/3
(95%) 495/1 - beltless PR! - will probably not do a beltless deadlift heavier than this anytime soon
(100%) 525/1

Mon. 6/13, Core lift: Overhead press, 5's

Bodyweight = 197.5 lbs
Working max = 185 lbs

Did alternating sets of presses and pulldowns or chins.

1a. Overhead press
bar/10, 80/5, 100/5, (65%) 120/5, (75%) 140/5
(85%) 155/5 x 3 sets - Did not attempt a max-reps set in an effort to conserve my shoulder.

1b. Pulldowns/Chinups - different grips/variations
pulldowns: 50/15, 90/10, 110/10
L-sit chinups: BW/10
underhand "curl-ups": BW/10, 10 - These are underhand chinups where I curl my knees to my chest as I pull my chin onver the bar.
medium/overhand pullups: BW/8, 7
medium/neutral: BW/8 - tanked out on a 9th

2. DB Bench Press
65's/10, 10, 8

3. Tricep press machine
rest-pause: 110/12 + 8

My shoulder felt fine during and right after this session.  By the time I went to bed, I could barely raise my left arm.  It was the same this morning.  My wife massaged it and really pressed into it, which hurt like hell.  It must have worked though, because I immediately had a lot more ROM.  Maybe watching Karate Kid all those times helped, because this was the closest thing I've had to a Mr. Miyagi experience.  Hopefully, I'll be able to hold a bar on my back for squats tomorrow.  Video recap coming soon.  Thanks for catching up with me!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Working through shoulder injury

Before an update, here's an overdue video recap of the first wave (4 workouts) of this current cycle. The soundtrack is a forgotten jewel of a throwback for the true hip-hop/rap fiends. Even if that doesn't describe you, it's still pretty cool. Thanks in advance for watching!

Somehow, probably about 2 weeks ago while doing overhead presses or weighted pullups, I suffered some minor injury to my left shoulder. According to the doctor I saw yesterday, it's probably some ligament strain. So I've been dodging any pushing or pulling except for last week's benches. I ended up hitting (90%) 245 for 6 and (95%) 255 for 3. Not bad numbers for me, especially considering a bum shoulder.

So that leads me up to today's squat workout.

Mon. 6/6, Core lift: Squat, 5/3/1 day

Bodyweight at gym= 200 1/4 lbs
Working max = 445 lbs

1. Squat
bar/10; 155/5; 245/5; (75%) 335/5; (85%) 380/3
add belt: (95%) 425/1
(100%) 445/1, 2, 1, 1, 1

2a. Bootleg GHR - done on back extension
BW/15, 15

2b. Ab wheel
BW/20, 20

Nothing fancy, not a lot of volume, but I'm pleased with how it went. I'm hoping the rest, anti-inflammatories, tiger balm, ice, etc. will have me ready to bench sometime within the next 3 days. Even if I'm not ready for presses, squats and deads are doing fine, so I'm not panicking right now.

Looking ahead, it looks like I have a good chance to get back in school this summer. I plan to go back in the fall either way, so time is about to come at even more of a premium. Training has kept me (mostly) sane the last few years, so I don't intend to be unfaithful now. But workouts may have to be adjusted in a month or so. I'll be peaking for a meet anyway, so that may be a blessing in disguise. Core lifts and little else should help to keep me focused. Thanks for catching up with me. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Recap Video, Deload, Started a New Cycle

It seems that I've been sidetracked more than I realized lately.  Since I last updated, I did 3 more sessions and was really due for a deload by the time it was over.  Here's the video recapping the highlights of the last wave of cycle 2.  For some reason, I can't embed it yet.  Please click the link to see it. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy it.
Deload work was easy.  1 upper body session and 1 lower body session was all I needed or wanted.  More mailman GPP than I would have liked, but hey, we have to eat!  :)

By yesterday, I was itching to get back to the weights.  Here's how it went:

Mon. 5/16/11

Core lift: Overhead press, Cycle 3, Wave 1

Bodyweight = 198.5 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: 1 serving EndoRush (BSN) + 2 capsules Con-Cret

1. Overhead Press, working max = 180 lbs
55/10; 75/5; 95/5; (65%) 115/5; (75%) 135/5 
(85%) 150/8.5

At this point, I was a bit frustrated.  My heaviest weight for this session was a repeat of cycle 2, wave 1.  Last time, the bar stalled over my head on what would have been rep 9.  Fast forward 5 weeks, and the same thing happened.  Disgusted, I went to the bathroom and locker room.  By the time I got back, I'd decided to make a second attempt at beating the 8 reps I did last cycle.
(85%) 150/9! - This is the first time I've ever missed a rep goal on 5/3/1, then come back to get it in the same session.  Sweet!

(85%) 150/5; (75%) 135/10

2a. Pullups - after the 4th set, I started alternating sets with 2b.
wide, overhand: BW/8; 55/7, 6
medium, overhand: 55/6, 7
medium, neutral: 55/6, 7
narrow, underhand: 55/5, 5

2b. Floor press
185/8; 225/5
245/6, 4
225/5, 4

3. Rear delts - on pec-deck
Drop-rest-pause set: 150/10 + 110/6 + 4

Next session (squat) is planned for Wed. 5/18.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Fri. 4/29, Overhead Press

The last wave of this cycle got off to a pretty good start tonight.  I'm definitely making progress on the OHP, based on comparisons to the last cycle.  Plus, I'm making small but steady progress on the floor presses.  I think if I were to do them first in a workout, I'd probably move a bit more weight on them.  But progress is progress, so I'm happy.

Tonight's stats:

Bodyweight at gym: 201 3/4 lbs.
Working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Fierce by SAN

1. OHP
bar/8; 90/5; 110/5; (75%) 130/5; (85%) 150/3
add belt: (95%) 165/6 - improved from 160 x 5 last cycle
(100%) 175/1, 1+1+1 - The last 3 singles were done in a "cluster" with just 10-20 seconds rest between them.

Alternated sets of the next 2 lifts

2a. Chinups - underhand, shoulder width grip
pulldowns to warm up: 100/10
BW/5; 50/3; 100/3 - need to check, but this may be a PR
75/5; 50/8; 25/10
BW/14 - The 1st 11 were done L-sit style, then 3 normal ones

2b. Floor press
135/10; 225/5
245/5 x 4 sets

3. Pulldowns - wide grip
rest-pause-drop set: 150/3 + 200/5 + 170/5 + 140/6 + 100/12

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Catching Up: Waves 1 & 2 of Cycle 2

With so much going on at home, especially my wife's approaching college graduation, I haven't had as much time to post as I'd like.  For the quickest recap of what happened in the 1st & 2nd wave of my reloaded version of 5/3/1, take a few moments to watch my latest training video:

Here's a quick write-up.  I'll leave out most of the assistance work for the sake of time.  I've also started to mention which pre-workout supplement I'm using before each session.  I still have about 80 servings or so to through from The Arnold.  Post-workout beverage of choice is EAS Finish (290 calories, 35g protein) added to 24 oz. 2% milk.  I got 80 servings for free in Ohio.

Mon. 4/11, Core lift: Overhead press

Didn't weigh myself
New working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: CytoMax by CytoSport

1. OHP
bar/10; 75/5; 95/5; (65%) 115/5; (75%) 130/5
(85%) 150/8.5 - I was so close to matching the 9 reps with 145 (85%) from last cycle!
150/5, 6

Tue. 4/12, Core lift: Squat

New working max = 435 lbs
Bodyweight at gym = 199 lbs.
Pre-Workout supplement: Black Powder by MRI

1. Squat
bar/10; 135/5; 225/5; (65%) 280/5; (75%) 325/5
add belt: (85%) 370/10 - 10 rep PR!
(85%) 370/5, 6

Thu. 4/14, Core lift: Bench press

Bodyweight: 203(?!)
New working max = 265 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Muscle Marinade by Purus Labs

1. Bench press
bar/10; 95/5; 135/5; (65%) 175/5; (75%) 200/5
(85%) 225/8.5 - I thought I could grind out a 9th rep. I was wrong.
225/5, 6, 6, 5

Somehow, I ended up using the same weight for the 85% session as I did last cycle. Just as well, since this was a 2-rep improvement over last cycle on the AMRAP set. I still have a lot of work to do on this lift though.

Mon. 4/18, Core lift: Deficit Deadlifts, 5's

Bodyweight: 200.5 lbs
New working max = 515 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: NO X-Plode XT by BSN

1. Deficit deadlifts - using 35 lb plates & wearing shoes instead of slippers
185/5; 265/5; (65%) 335/5; (75%) 385/5
add belt & Versa-Gripps: (85%) 435/9
remove Versa-Gripps: (85%) 435/1, 1, 5 

Wed. 4/20, Core lift: Overhead press, 3's

Didn't weigh myself
Working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Quake 10.0 by Scivation

1. OHP
bar/10, 5; 95/5; (70%) 120/3; (80%) 140/3
add belt: (90%) 155/8 (2 rep improvement)
(95%) 165/1+1+1, 1+1+1 - basically 2 clusters of 3 singles each. The + equals 20 seconds rest. Took a normal rest between the first and second cluster.

Thu. 4/21, Core lift: Squat, 3's

Bodyweight: 200 lbs
Working max = 435 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Assault by MusclePharm

1. Squat
135/5; 225/5; (70%) 305/3; (80%) 350/3; (90%) 390/3 - probably a beltless PR triple
add belt: (95%) 415/1, 2, 1
315/10, 10

Mon. 4/25, Core lift: Bench press, 3's

Didn't weigh myself
Working max = 265 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Assault by MusclePharm

1. Bench press

95/5; 135/5; (70%) 185/3; (80%) 215/3 
(90%) 240/6
(95%) 250/1, 4, 1

2. Seated cable row - stack maxes out at 200

wide/neutral grip: 100/10; 140/10; 170/8
v-grip: 170/11, 10
wide/neutral, rest-pause-drop set: 200/5 + 160/8 + 120/15 + 12

3. Dips
45/8; 100/11, 6 - the 11 set was a +2 rep PR!
rest-pause-drop set: 100/5 + 75/5 + 50/5 + 25/5 + BW/8 + 2 (wanted 10 reps on the last segment)

Tue. 4/26, Core lift: Deficit deadlifts, 3's

Bodyweight = 201.5 lbs  in shoes and underwear.  I don't usually wear shoes on the scale, but it was wet.
Working max = 515 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: K-Otic by All American EFX

1. Deficit DL - 35 lb plates instead of 45's.  Shoes instead of slippers.
150/6; 220/5; 290/3; (70%) 360/3; (80%) 415/3
add belt & Versa-Gripps: (90%) 465/6
remove Versa-Gripps: (95%) 490/1 x 4 sets

2. Leg Press - wearing Inzer knee sleeves
360/8; 540/6; 675/6; 855/14, 11

Thanks for catching up with me.  Back to the grind on Friday 4/29.