Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Catching Up: Waves 1 & 2 of Cycle 2

With so much going on at home, especially my wife's approaching college graduation, I haven't had as much time to post as I'd like.  For the quickest recap of what happened in the 1st & 2nd wave of my reloaded version of 5/3/1, take a few moments to watch my latest training video:

Here's a quick write-up.  I'll leave out most of the assistance work for the sake of time.  I've also started to mention which pre-workout supplement I'm using before each session.  I still have about 80 servings or so to through from The Arnold.  Post-workout beverage of choice is EAS Finish (290 calories, 35g protein) added to 24 oz. 2% milk.  I got 80 servings for free in Ohio.

Mon. 4/11, Core lift: Overhead press

Didn't weigh myself
New working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: CytoMax by CytoSport

1. OHP
bar/10; 75/5; 95/5; (65%) 115/5; (75%) 130/5
(85%) 150/8.5 - I was so close to matching the 9 reps with 145 (85%) from last cycle!
150/5, 6

Tue. 4/12, Core lift: Squat

New working max = 435 lbs
Bodyweight at gym = 199 lbs.
Pre-Workout supplement: Black Powder by MRI

1. Squat
bar/10; 135/5; 225/5; (65%) 280/5; (75%) 325/5
add belt: (85%) 370/10 - 10 rep PR!
(85%) 370/5, 6

Thu. 4/14, Core lift: Bench press

Bodyweight: 203(?!)
New working max = 265 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Muscle Marinade by Purus Labs

1. Bench press
bar/10; 95/5; 135/5; (65%) 175/5; (75%) 200/5
(85%) 225/8.5 - I thought I could grind out a 9th rep. I was wrong.
225/5, 6, 6, 5

Somehow, I ended up using the same weight for the 85% session as I did last cycle. Just as well, since this was a 2-rep improvement over last cycle on the AMRAP set. I still have a lot of work to do on this lift though.

Mon. 4/18, Core lift: Deficit Deadlifts, 5's

Bodyweight: 200.5 lbs
New working max = 515 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: NO X-Plode XT by BSN

1. Deficit deadlifts - using 35 lb plates & wearing shoes instead of slippers
185/5; 265/5; (65%) 335/5; (75%) 385/5
add belt & Versa-Gripps: (85%) 435/9
remove Versa-Gripps: (85%) 435/1, 1, 5 

Wed. 4/20, Core lift: Overhead press, 3's

Didn't weigh myself
Working max = 175 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Quake 10.0 by Scivation

1. OHP
bar/10, 5; 95/5; (70%) 120/3; (80%) 140/3
add belt: (90%) 155/8 (2 rep improvement)
(95%) 165/1+1+1, 1+1+1 - basically 2 clusters of 3 singles each. The + equals 20 seconds rest. Took a normal rest between the first and second cluster.

Thu. 4/21, Core lift: Squat, 3's

Bodyweight: 200 lbs
Working max = 435 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Assault by MusclePharm

1. Squat
135/5; 225/5; (70%) 305/3; (80%) 350/3; (90%) 390/3 - probably a beltless PR triple
add belt: (95%) 415/1, 2, 1
315/10, 10

Mon. 4/25, Core lift: Bench press, 3's

Didn't weigh myself
Working max = 265 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: Assault by MusclePharm

1. Bench press

95/5; 135/5; (70%) 185/3; (80%) 215/3 
(90%) 240/6
(95%) 250/1, 4, 1

2. Seated cable row - stack maxes out at 200

wide/neutral grip: 100/10; 140/10; 170/8
v-grip: 170/11, 10
wide/neutral, rest-pause-drop set: 200/5 + 160/8 + 120/15 + 12

3. Dips
45/8; 100/11, 6 - the 11 set was a +2 rep PR!
rest-pause-drop set: 100/5 + 75/5 + 50/5 + 25/5 + BW/8 + 2 (wanted 10 reps on the last segment)

Tue. 4/26, Core lift: Deficit deadlifts, 3's

Bodyweight = 201.5 lbs  in shoes and underwear.  I don't usually wear shoes on the scale, but it was wet.
Working max = 515 lbs
Pre-workout supplement: K-Otic by All American EFX

1. Deficit DL - 35 lb plates instead of 45's.  Shoes instead of slippers.
150/6; 220/5; 290/3; (70%) 360/3; (80%) 415/3
add belt & Versa-Gripps: (90%) 465/6
remove Versa-Gripps: (95%) 490/1 x 4 sets

2. Leg Press - wearing Inzer knee sleeves
360/8; 540/6; 675/6; 855/14, 11

Thanks for catching up with me.  Back to the grind on Friday 4/29.

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