For the first time in ages, I've trained 3 days in a row. I don't know if I'd want to do this all the time, but I have come to a conclusion: I miss training 4 days per week. I don't know if I'm missing out on gains or not. I do know that recovery has been better since I went to a 3-day rotation a year or so ago. But I love lifting and pushing myself, and doing that one extra day per week can't be bad. We'll see.
As for what I've done the last 3 days, I'll give an abridged version. As you may be able to tell, what started as 5/3/1 with singles is morphing into something else. That's fine with me. This may lead to something really good. We'll find out in August.
Mon. 3/28, Core lift: Bench press, 3's
Working max = 260 lbs
Bodyweight at gym = 198 1/2 lbs
After several months experimenting with a wider grip, I went back to my more narrow grip, with my pinkies just inside the rings on the bar.
1. Bench press
135/5; (70%) 182/3; (80%) 208/3
(90%) 234/6 - Redemption! Last week, I could only muster 6 reps with 225. This still sucks, but it's an improvement.
(95%) 247/1, 1, 3 - the singles felt easy, so I did a little extra on the last one. Could have ground out a 4th.
2. Pullups -overhand
wide grip: BW/10; 45/6
medium grip: 45/6, 5; BW/14
3. Dips
100/5, 6
Tue. 3/29, Assistance lifts
Bodyweight at gym: 197 lbs
I had the time, so I went to the gym after work and did a circuit of exercises, some of which I rarely do. 3 sets each of:
1. Front/lateral raises + face pulls
2. DB shrugs
3. DB curls - instead of resting the weight at the bottom, I held 1 arm at the top while curling the other
4. Seated calf raise
5. Seated dip machine
Fun times.
Wed. 3/29, Core lift: Deficit deadlift, 3's
Working max = 505 lbs
Bodyweight at gym = 200 lbs. This session was preceded by a visit to a breakfast buffet.
1. Deficit deadlift - using 35 lb plates and wearing shoes instead of slippers
145/5; 215/5; 285/3
(70%) 355/3; (80%) 405/3
add belt: (90%) 455/5
(95%) 480/1, 1, 1
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