Before the recap of Friday and Saturday's training, here's the training video from wave 2 of 5/3/1. I'm deviating more from the original plan, using singles along with the "as many reps as possible (AMRAP)" sets, plus multiple sets at the heaviest weight. I'll explain this in greater detail in another post. Thanks for watching!
Fri. 4/1, Core lift: Overhead Press, 5/3/1
Working max = 170 lbs
Bodyweight at gym: 200 lbs
1. Overhead press
bar/12; 85/5; 115/5; (75%) 130/5; (85%) 145/3
(95%) 160/5
(100%) 170/1, 1, 3
2. Pullups - overhand, medium grip (few inches outside shoulder width)
+50/6, 6, 8, 6
3. 1-arm DB flat bench
50/10 each
80/10 each - pronated
80/8 each - neutral
80/10 each - rotated pronated to neutral
Time: 1 hr 12 min
Sat. 4/2, Assistance Lifts
The first 3 exercises were done as a circuit, with varying rest periods.
1a. Hammer ab machine
50/10; 100/10; 150/5
The machine functioned worse as the weight got heavier, so I switched to sit-ups on a decline bench while holding an empty bar overhead.
bar/15 x 2 sets
1b. Standing calf machine
250/12; 350/12; 450/10, 11
1c. Shrugs - done on the calf machine
250/12; 350/12; 450/12, 20
2. Rear delts on the pec-deck
60/12, 15, 12, 16, 12
Time: 46 min
I must be full of energy these days, or I'm really bored. As of yesterday, I completed 5 days of training in a week. It has been a nice change of pace. I don't feel battered, I'm not bruised (except for a little on top of my shoulders), and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's squats. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
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